Thursday, December 5, 2019

Explores Essay Example For Students

Explores Essay jeofrey mondal 6-3-02do you know who Christopher Columbus and frediand Magellan are? Well they are every important people in history. Magellan found a way to travel around the world from the southern tip of south america. Columbus was the founder of North America, he found the land by mistake. Both these men were sailores that just wanted to do there job and gain fame. So as you can see these men are very important to history. Magellan was born on 1480 and he died on the year of 1521,he was born in Portuguese.he grew up to be spanish explorer and navigator, leader of the first expedition to sail completely around, the world. he wanted to reach the east indies by sailing west from the Europe. At the time that he lived everybody thought that the journey was impossible, so as a result he didnt get any support. he barely convinced the Spanish king to support him but at last he did. The king have him a 5 ships and 250 men to acompany him. on his journey he lost one of his ship and a lot o f his men, but he successfuly made his voyage and arrived at the spice island on the date of 9-9-1522. Columbus was born in 1451 and he died in 1506, he was born in Genao, Italy. His father was a weaver, and it is believed that Christopher started trading as a young boy. columbus set sail with 3 ships and a 90 men, he arrived at the Bahamas on october 12, 1942. He clamied the island property of Spain and named it San Salvador. for his first trip he stayed for a two months and returned home. Altogether he made 4 trips to the New found land. So as you can see both of these men are great people the has done a lot for there people. they each discovered a new place or route.

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